Monday, January 14, 2019

Why is it worth insuring the construction

If we can insure a finished house, it may be worth insuring a house under construction. After all, there may also be situations that cause losses for which we will have to pay.

Many insurance companies have construction insurance in their offers. Before we decide to buy them, we should first consider whether we need such protection and whether we can afford it. Later, the insurers' offers have to be carefully compared, focusing on checking the scope of protection that the policy covers. The insurance price will depend largely on the amount of property to be insured. Often, construction insurance is required by the lender.

When to sign a contract with the insurer

The contract with the insurer is signed when the house is already being built. The superstructure or extension of an existing house can also be considered a house under construction. The policy, traditionally, is valid for a period of 12 months from the date of its purchase. Let us not be surprised if the insurer mentions the so-called own contribution amount in the policy. This is our contribution to the cost of damage, deducted from the sum of compensation paid.

What will it be about

Insurance covers the house, but not only. Often includes other buildings on the property, elements of small architecture permanently connected to the ground, cesspool and plot fencing. On the other hand, the area on which we build the house will not be protected.

The construction insurance guarantees us compensation in the event of a fire, lightning, explosion, or even an airplane or ground vehicle crash, hail or an earthquake. This is the basic scope, which can be extended with a flood, hurricane, landslides, etc.

Typically, the scope of protection does not include flooding, flooding as a result of raising the level of groundwater, overvoltages. Unfortunately, houses under construction are too often exposed to it and insurers know this very well, so they do not want to risk financially. The companies also exclude from construction protection construction errors that occurred at the building design stage. They will also not pay a penny for damages resulting from construction works. Excluded are also damage caused as a result of acts of terrorism, hostilities or social unrest.

Until the house has no windows, doors and a garage door, we will not insure it against theft (additional fee for the basic policy).The insurance companies do not want to insure equipment, materials and construction tools stored in any cell on the construction site, let alone those left under the cloud.

Agreements with insurers are worth reading with a magnifying glass in hand, because the most interesting fragments of them are specified in a microscopic font. One can read, for example, that we will be entitled to compensation for the theft, but only if we have a contract with a security company and the house is connected to the monitoring system.

Insurers, as a rule, do not want to protect those buildings that are to stand in particularly endangered areas - flood plains ormining damage areas, and if they do, they set very high prices in these cases for buying a policy.

Finally, it's worth adding that home insurance under construction will be more expensive than home insurance.