Monday, January 14, 2019

Why is it worth buying heaters?

Accumulation heaters are one of the ways to heat an electric home. What are the advantages of using such devices?

Accumulation heaters make it possible to heat the house with electricity consumed only during the cheaper rate of electricity. As a result, heating costs can be almost half as high as when using heaters that require 24-hour power supply. The condition of low heating costs is settlement with the power plant in the dual-zone tariff, in which the lower prices of electricity are valid during off-peak hours (usually from hours 22 to 6 and from 13 to 15).

How much can you save?

Fees for the use of electricity vary depending on the place of collection - this is due to different rates of distribution fees. Among other things, the results of the calculations we present are only indicative. Taking into account all positions from all-pricing tariffs of various energy companies, it can be assumed that the average cost of electricity in the 24-hour G11 tariff is about PLN 0.60 per kilowatt-hour. In the G12 two-zone tariff, on average, only PLN 0.33 is paid for hours per kilowatt hour, but then in the peak hours a kilowatt-hour costs about PLN 0.68.

When is it worth?

From this it can be seen that using electric storage heating, which consumes energy only during off-peak hours and settling in the G12 tariff, it is possible to reduce the expenses for electric heating by more than 40% compared to the situation when the heating devices draw energy around the clock, and the charges are calculated according to the G11 tariff. Then the operation of electric heating can be even slightly cheaper than a boiler for liquid gas or fuel oil. However, one should take into account that using the dual-zone tariff, one pays more for the operation of other electrical devices during rush hours. If the use of them (especially the most energy-consuming ones) is necessary at that time, then accounting for an energy company in this way may not bring tangible benefits.